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Thursday, November 19, 2009

In the movie King Corn we watched how geneticall enhanced corn is grown for our food. Well I kne that most of what we eat has some sot of corn in it and that our meat is fed corn for growing process. This goes as well as Chew on this. But for the things I did not know were many of disgustng and vulgar stuff that goes into our food. Like in the book Chew on This I learned about the paste liek stuff that goes into our chicken nugets. Also that the horrible work envoirment, for example the guy getting his figersgrinded up ina a grinder. To worst part about that is that he did not have an insurance fropm the chicken farm company, which ,akes that a horriblke work envoirment. In the movie King Corn we ( as in the class) saw what was put into the meat we eat. We sawe the University of Iowa the cow that was fed corn feed. Also that the cows consume 70% of the antiboitics in the world. That means we the people of the world consumes only 30% that's to small.

The way I can change the thsi is 2 ways one that is ilegal and the other way us that we could have an awareness meeting to tellpeopel of the stuff they are eating and what we should do to change it. We could do a documenatry of people that dont know and have them eta it and then tell them what is in it.


Catherine Ejiogu said...

I agree, they should make some of these things illegal because it's wrong.

Phillips Moreno said...

nice job on your blog
next time don't make fum of me

Greg Wahl said...

I think the PETA people are nuts, though, I have to say.

Jackie Washington said...

thanks for the comment. I think I would shop if I'm traveling if not, then maybe eating fast food.

marja hagazy said...

I liked your blog anyway I think that the people who work in the meatpacking co. should get better benifits than they do.nice job:)

balla202 said...

interesting facts