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Thursday, November 19, 2009

In the movie King Corn we watched how geneticall enhanced corn is grown for our food. Well I kne that most of what we eat has some sot of corn in it and that our meat is fed corn for growing process. This goes as well as Chew on this. But for the things I did not know were many of disgustng and vulgar stuff that goes into our food. Like in the book Chew on This I learned about the paste liek stuff that goes into our chicken nugets. Also that the horrible work envoirment, for example the guy getting his figersgrinded up ina a grinder. To worst part about that is that he did not have an insurance fropm the chicken farm company, which ,akes that a horriblke work envoirment. In the movie King Corn we ( as in the class) saw what was put into the meat we eat. We sawe the University of Iowa the cow that was fed corn feed. Also that the cows consume 70% of the antiboitics in the world. That means we the people of the world consumes only 30% that's to small.

The way I can change the thsi is 2 ways one that is ilegal and the other way us that we could have an awareness meeting to tellpeopel of the stuff they are eating and what we should do to change it. We could do a documenatry of people that dont know and have them eta it and then tell them what is in it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Blog assignment #2

In this blog assignment I picked my favorite song from my favorite movie The Nightmare befroe Christmas. This is Halloween, by Danny Elfman is the songI have chosen. As you can tell my attire fits the mood. There are 3 versions of the song. the original, the version by Maryln Manson, and finally Panic at the disco. All links are posted at the bottom.

Boys and girls of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us ,and you will see. This, our town of Halloween. This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night. This is Halloween, everybody make a scene. Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright. It's our town, everybody scream in this town of Halloween. I am the one hiding under your bed, Teeth ground sharp, and eyes glowing red. I am the one hiding under yours stairs. Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair. This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!In this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song. In this town, don't we love it now?Every body's waiting for the next surprise.Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can .Somethings waiting no to pounce, and how you'll... Scream! This is Halloween,Red 'n' black, slimy green.Aren't you scared? Well, that's just fine. Say it once, say it twice, take a chance and roll the dice, ride with the moon in the dead of night.Everybody scream, everybody scream. In our town of Halloween! I am the clown with the tear-away face. Here in a flash and gone without a trace. I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?"I am the wind blowing through your hair. I am the shadow on the moon at night. Filling your dreams to the brim with fright. This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!Halloween! Halloween! Tender lumplings everywhere. Life's no fun without a good scare. That's our job, but we're not mean. In our town of Halloween. In this town,ddon't we love it now,Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back, and scream like a banshee.Make you jump out of your skin. This is Halloween, everyone scream. Wont' ya please make way for a very special guy. Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch, everyone hail to the Pumpkin King. This is Halloween, this is Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! In this town we call home. Everyone hail to the pumpkin song,la la-la la, Halloween! Halloween! [Repeat]

Friday, November 6, 2009

What did I eat? What did you eat? What did we all eat?

Morning guys,

Today is a nice day, but cloudy with a chance of meatballs. That's right I aw the movie, but more importantly I had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner Wednesday night. They were really good for home made ones I made for the first time. Also the main thing that I consumed was Japanese and Chinese cuisine like Gyoza, a fired dumpling, Miso soup, "Real" Ramen, Squid, frog legs, and finally Sushi.

Where did I consume all this? Well I went to a restaurant in dtss called the blue pearl. It's a nice size all you can at Japanese/ Chinese buffet with Ramen bar. Last night for dinner my lil twin bothers turned 10 yesterday. For there birthday dinner we ate Hot dogs, pasta salad, and green beans with almonds in butter sauce, oh and you cant forget the birthday cakes. That's right they each got one so double the sugar plus the 4 trash bags of candy, 1 for each of the siblings = oh my god hard sleep. *sigh*

The Twins

Monday, October 19, 2009

Blog Assignment 10/19 MANGA!!!!!

Morning everyone,
Today is a alright, The Redskins lost :( , but on the bright side The Dodgers lost 11-0 so what now Melissa*cough* and umm other Dodgers fans!!! and The Caps won thier game!!!

So when I woke up this morning and double checking that all my homework was completed I realized that we had a blog today. Well this is weird and hopefully it's the only chance we have to do a blog on a Monady. The Materials I read are not to much of a widespread variety. I read Plays/skits (That Me and my friends write), Required material for class (Double Deuce), and Manga( anime comics). My favorite out of those 3 choices has to be..... Manga. I read a wide variety of Manga series each day. Ranging from Bleach by Tite Kubo-Naruto by Masahi Kishimoto. Manga back history is well really too long to tell you in this blog but I will give you some key points. Most of them are Fictional stories, created in Japan, and one of the best buinesses to make alot of money. I have to also pick a favorite book or anime series...... Thanks Dr.Wahl now you have to make me choose. I think it would be Bleach by Tite Kubo. It's about a boy named Ichigo Kurosaki who gains the powers of a Shinigami or in english terms a Death God. The stories main plot about a traditor in the military system called the 13th court guard squads. The goal of this tratior is to take control over the world. I like this Manga so much that I dress up as him or Cosplay that character.Another reason I like this Anime is that like most manga series they turn into series. Also I like this autohr becasue he has turn this into the 2nd most best anime in the world which is kinda of hard to do don't you think? Well I have to go but if you would like to read more about this specific manga here is the links for Wikipedia and a place where you may read the series.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pop Culture Assignment # 3

Hello again all if you are reading this we are well in class and Dr. Wahl is neither has his coffee or finished it. If you are not and you are reading this now well at least your getting some homework for this class done.Reality television has been argued to be real or not real. I think reality television is real. To prove that reality television is real I picked a reality show that proves reality television is real. I picked a showthat is one of my favorite and one that makes me laugh, Hell's Kitchen. The show for those who have never heard of it well we will solve that in a little. The show is a cooking show that is for the chefs competing in the show.....Hell. Chef Gordon Ramsey picks the chefs and the prize is one of his new restaurants. The show starts off with 12 chefs/contestants. They are divided up into 2 teams Red and Blue. When they get down to the last 6 they each get a black jacket which means everyone is on there own but they need to function as a team. The reason for this ( here is where how the show is real ) the chefs need to keep the RESTAURANT in business. That's right Hell's Kitchen is not just the name of the show it is the name of the restaurant that they compete in. So some more reasons that this show is real is that you can go to the restaurant ( caution though the food may be bad due to the cooking). Also when you are in the restaurant there is a glass room where you may see the chefs compete and Chef Ramsey screaming his brains off and throwing his fits. Another Fun fact is that I was in my own high schools comedy club and one of our writers wrote a parody called Hells Library. Well I promised you people who well *sigh* never seen the show well here is the fix.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Pop Culture Blog #2 9/25/09

Well when I got this assignment in my mind I was saying "Holy Crap this is going to be the easiest assignment I probably will get all this year :). The music I listen to is basically all genres of music because I am a part time DJ for just friends of mines at parties for fun. That well is not what the assignment to me is. So the two genres I mostly listen to in Alternative and Rock( punk and metal). The places I listen to these songs are of course the computer I am on, that's right listening to music right now while I type this blog. Also when I am traveling or just going somewhere. I listen to music with my Ipod Nano.

Well Music is SUCH a huge factor in my life. I am a musician myself I play the Alto Saxophone, so I do play alot of Jazz. There was a time in high school and this summer where I would not be seen without an earphone in my ear, even on the phone ;). Also when I when I am stressed or upset I will go and listen to my music to cool off. Before I go ranting the band that is on my mind Boys Like Girls. The reason is not that they are a really good band but that there new album that was just released is an excellent one. The specific song that I cannot get out of my head is one of the new album by Boys Like Girls is the song called Love Drunk. I bet you are thinking what is love drunk? well in my translation of the song it's about how you can love someone but you were just drunk and got sober. In doing that you realized that person is not for you. The music video I posted is the music video of Love Drunk. Also if we could have a chance to watch it has a guest star of Ashley Tisdale. The video takes place at a carnival when Ashley is goign through all these guys during the carnival. Well that's it fo this week folks will post next week when we get the assignment. Wonder what it is going to be next time? Maybe about fashion, or popular places we hangout, or finally how we use popcuture ingo to talk to friends.

Here is the link to the Love Drunk Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQUi5vWfRoY

Friday, September 18, 2009

PopCulture Assignment #1

The television I have wacthed this week has been all of sports. Some examples are football, post seaon baseball, and keeping up with hockey. These really made me have a lot of mixed feelings. When I wacthed the Redskins game it made me feel wy was I even rooting for them? I was getting really into watching the game, but the thing was I was watching in order to see if they would comeback at all durign the game. Well after that I went to ESPN to watch the results for the the teams around the NFL. Then I continued to wacth the deals on the NHL( national hockey league) for the Capitals. The results and ideas coming form them were more promising than the Redskins game TT-TT. Post season baseball is the most time consuming event I ever wacth because unlike football it can be very suprising and can turn around in one seconed.

After all the sports wacthing I wacthed Animation Domination :D, which had Faamily Guy, The SImpsons, American Dad, and finally the series finale of king of the hil :(. I enjoy wacthing all of them and they were a way to make me laugh and forget about the homework I had to do.....Oh God! speaking of which I still need to do >.> So this is the end of my blog for this week. So I leave you with I am off to do the homework.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Backstory of who Kage Mitsukai is

Kage Mitsukai Orgins

Found by Adminstratum Croft to Join Teradox. Half Demon and has always the thrist for blood only if it is on the battlefeild. Upon arriving at the Teradoxian camp he was intorduced to his soon to be main mentors Sgt.Rufius Brohl and 1st Sgt.Gerrard Durron. He was told that he would be pushed to the limits and the country but he was ready for it. That next morning he was introduced to the allies Ched Nasad.

Before he was found he was being treated as an outcast in his village for his half demonic self. His mother was raped by a demon named alucard that was let loose during a wrong summoning. Mother was killed the village folk just days before Kroft found him. He avengeed his mother by slaying Alucard with his on claw but in that battle was badly damaged. That is were Kroft found him and healed him with no one else to worship or avenge he was now worshiping the only god to him now Noesis.

A year goes by in Teradox but he has made many friends and personal allies. For example the people of Chendrylon. When a mishap went wrong in at a campout he sat down and join the country of Chendrylon. Before he joined he went and helped them out which is now his war, but back then his friends war. The war that Chendrylon is with is Empyrean, which are polar bear worshipers. Anyway he is happy in the new country and left Teradox on his own will and suspects that he is a traitor in the members of Teradoxs eyes as a traitos and has to be extra careful and watch out for attempts on an assaination.

Well Kage was getting into thinking and wondering on how he would live but he realized how much he missed fighting for Neosis and the family he made. Kage also felt that he was running away form a problem and on how he wnet upon a council of the officers of Teradox and pleaded his case. They Let him back in because he was a good fighter and did leave on good terms with them.

More too come.